This fortune cookie made me cry

My Daddy is one of my greatest inspirations! 

All my life he has worked hard, physically demanding jobs. He is the only entrepreneur I know in my family; a few years ago (at 61 years old) he opened up a local business, 1st Choice Appliance Service, and continues to operate it despite incredibly painful days with rheumatoid arthritis. He plans to work until he's 70! He's never been in business to get rich or make some big name for himself - for Daddy, it's always been about helping people. 

When I've stumbled in life, disappointing myself & God, Daddy's always been a soft place to land. The times I've come to him crying, he's always stretched his big strong arms out, pulled me in close, squeezed me tight, and tenderly told me, "It's alright. I'm right here." 

Though he's not perfect, he's been the most beautiful earthly picture of my Heavenly Father's unconditional love. I don't know that I would've had the courage to follow my own dreams with Mom Photo Balm without his inspiration - in parenting, in business, or in my faith. 

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I cried when I opened this fortune cookie and looked to see him across the table from me. I love you, Daddy. 

To anyone reading this -

Photograph your parents.

Document your relationship. You won't regret it! And if you need any help, I'm right here.

Friendship is the finest balm,